💰$RACA Token

$RACA is the native utility token of the USM Metaverse and the governance token of RACA DAO.

Players can use $RACA to purchase and trade USM Land and other NFT assets, and can also earn $RACA by playing games and mining.

Token Contract Address

RACA BNB Chain token address:


RACA Ethereum token address:


RACA OKT Chain token address:


Token Total Supply

Initial Total Supply: 500,000,000,000

Burned Supply: 68,581,766,730

Total Supply: 431,418,233,270

Token Suppy On Multichain

BNB Chain: 276,291,470,925 (64%)

Ethereum: 149,493,751,345 (34.7%)

OKT Chain: 5,633,011,000 (1.3)

Token Market Information

Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/radio-caca

Last updated